I believe transparency about qualifications is essential. Working ethically and authentically means giving you all the information you need to choose whether I am the right coach for you. It's always important to check the credientials of any professional you are working with.
The training underpinning my work is my Foundation Degree in Humanistic Counselling. From this, you can be assured that I am well qualified to work with you safely and ethically. I trained for three years to learn and practice many theories of psychology and theories of change and have had well over 200 hours of personal therapy and supervision. Since qualifying I have worked with hundreds of clients, gaining thousands of hours of 1:1 practice.
My key foundations in existential theory, transactional analysis and Rogerian theory, all come into my coaching practice. I am trauma-informed. I am committed to my ongoing training through regular CPD.
My coaching qualification is with Relational Dynamics 1st.
"Relational Dynamics draws on theories and tools from a wide range of sources including coaching, emotional intelligence, psychology, neurology and contemporary research into leadership. Put simply, it is the art of interaction with self and others."
My neurodivergence qualifications are my lived experience and Neurodiversity in Coaching with Animas Coaching Training.
I hold full insurance with Balens.
I am a member of the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society - Membership Number NCS23-02685
I am a member of the Association for Coaching - Membership Number 76009579
I have regular supervision of my coaching practice to make sure I am working ethically and professionally and in your best interests.
I am a CPD fiend and I am always searching out and attending the best training to keep upskilling and updated.
Over the years I have had so many jobs. I didn't realise it at the time, but I was trying to find something that itched my brain, a career that met all my needs. I feel so lucky to have finally found a career where every day is different, where I can completely be myself and not have to mask who I am, and where my authenticity is celebrated. I have always wanted to help people, I just didn't really know how.
Academically I always struggled, I was utterly bored by school, so going back to college as an adult, with undiagnosed ADHD had its challenges. It's one of my greatest achievements graduating with my foundation degree.
The advantage of working in so many industries along the way is that I have gained invaluable experience in marketing, sales, copy writing, management and the creative industries as well as many years working in non-profits and charities.
Over the course of my counselling career, I have gone on to specialise in working with gender diversity and neurodiversity which is a joy. Working with any marginalised identities is really important to me.
I love this photo of me. I took it right after a shiny new haircut that I loved, and it shows off the messiness of my old tiny kitchen. I spent a long time trying to be perfect, trying to be tidy and adult in a way that I saw others adulting around me. The greatest peace has come into my life since embracing all the parts of me; my natural messiness and free spirit. In case you didn't know, you can be a successful professional and have a messy home.
My journey to self-acceptance and self-love has been a long time in the making. As a teenager, I often felt different and lonely. As a young adult, I tried so many things that I thought would be fulfilling. In my late 20s, I became a single parent and my life changed in so many ways. In my 30s I trained as a counsellor and my life changed again. The more I learnt about myself, and worked on myself, the more I loved myself. The more I could let go of old scripts that didn't serve me, the more I could make space for success.
I love my dog! I love being out in nature. I love photography. I love the beach and just being near any kind of water. I love trees and the forest. I love spending time with my friends and family. I love being on my own. I love being a mum. I love music, making it and listening to it. I love my work and helping people. I love being a curious philosophical playful wanderer. I love my brain, even though it makes life very difficult at times. And that's the thing even with all these loves and joys in my life, life can still be hard. It's still messy.
I love this quote. "Beauty and joy result from more fully experiencing life. While joy is often interpreted as a state of bliss devoid of any negative experience. Joy is a state of fully experiencing the current moment including the good and the bad. Joy may contain pieces of sadness, of anxiety, or even of anger. When an aspect of experience is being blocked out, joy is then limited."